Autumn in Mallorca has been letting us down a little bit recently. With lots of rain and wind and slightly blue skies just every now and then, it is inevitable that we all feel a little bit languishing and less motivated to do something (just leaving the house seems like a pretty big deal somehow now). But do not be worried, folks! We know what helps. Because the best therapy is beach therapy!

The place where all the magic happens is named Cala Varques, an insanely beautiful cove in the southeast of Mallorca (and no, this is not an exaggeration!).
From the moment we saw the first rays of sunlight sneaking out between the clouds in busy Palma, we jumped into the car.
From Palma it is around a one-hour drive. You cannot park at the beach directly, but a bit more far there a parking spots available or you just park down the road. From there you still need to take a half an hour walk, but it is totally worth it!
Do not forget to bring your own food and drinks because there are no shops at the beach itself, but a cute little bar where they sell cocktails and sangria.
Checklist for Cala Varques:
- Food & drinks
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen & hat (Sun umbrella might be a good idea, too)
- Good shoes to do the hikes
- Camera
- Snorkel
When arriving at the beach you will already experience several factors that make this therapy the best therapy ever: clear turquoise water, sea breeze, soft sand and beautiful nature all around you. We cannot even remember why we have been so down lately.
In case lying in the sun and listen to the smooth sound of the waves gets you too bored you can do some hikes around the area (and discover the nature bridge), do cliff jumping, go snorkeling or even try out the slack line they have put up at the beach.

After a nice beach day, we feel fully recovered and ready to get back to normal. Try it out yourself! Need more recommendations for beach therapy? Stay on track on our blog to not miss the best beaches of Mallorca!